T::operator= 需要处理左操作数 (LHS) 和右操作数 (RHS)指向同一个对象的情况。
T& operator= (const T& that)
if (this == &that)
return *this;
// handle assignment here
return *this;
identity 和 equality 的意义不同:identity 是指左操作数 LHS和RHS 右操作是同一对象。equality 是指左操作数 LHS 和 右操作数RHS有同样的值。 T::operator= 应该保证 LHS 和 RHS 指向的不是同一个对象。
在某些情况下,可以使用 swap.
比如 T 所有的成员(mem1, mem2, … memeN)都提供了 swap() 函数,那么 operator= 重载就可以这样写:
T& operator= (T that)
// that is constructed by the copy constructor
mem1.swap (that.mem1);
mem2.swap (that.mem2);
memN.swap (that.memN);
// now what were originally this->mem1, this->mem2, etc. get
// destroyed when that gets destroyed, and that.mem1, etc. are
// retained in *this
return *this;
} # CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern 用 static polyphormism 模拟 runtime polyphormism, 没有 runtime polyphormism 的开销
template <class Derived>
struct base
void interface()
// ...
// ...
static void static_interface()
// ...
// ...
// The default implementation may be (if exists) or should be (otherwise)
// overridden by inheriting in derived classes (see below)
void implementation();
static void static_implementation();
// The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
struct derived_1 : base<derived_1>
// This class uses base variant of implementation
//void implementation();
// ... and overrides static_implementation
static void static_implementation();
struct derived_2 : base<derived_2>
// This class overrides implementation
void implementation();
// ... and uses base variant of static_implementation
//static void static_implementation();